Some chilling water facts from water.org:

- 1 in 10 people on the planet lack access to fresh water

- 1 in 3 people in the World lack access to a toilet

- Women and children spend 125 Million hours per DAY collecting water


AND - only about 20% of the water consumed in the world is treated.


WaterClear PLUS is helping to both clean up pollution from raw sewage being dumped into our Oceans, AND recover valuable water that can be treated and reused, either for industry (grey-water) or personal consumption (potable).  Water recovery can be delivered back to shore, where the value typically is quite high.  In one example, the grey-water revenue offsets the operating costs to run the WasteWater Plant.


And a Ship-based solution is the easiest, quickest, and least expensive way to deploy WasteWater Treatment in developing countries.




This is how most Countries deal with sewage:          This is a typical waste water treatment plant:



Typical tank arrangement - Aframax
Cross section Aframax Tanks for BioReactor

Phone: +1 (415) 496-0181  |  Email: info@waterclearplus.com



And in overcrowded places, there is no room for a 4 hectare (9.9 acre) Wastewater treatment plant.


WaterClear PLUS is

able to anchor offshore

over the existing

sewage outfall, and

process 200 ML

(Mega Liters or 53 MGD) on a single ship.


The Aframax class Oil Tanker (below) has a tank configuration that is ideal for Waste-Water Treatment.  The existing tanks can house MBR (Membrane Bioreactor), SBR (Sequencing-Batch-Reactor) or MAAD (Modular Anoxic Aerobic Digester) technologies, all with a small footprint are ideally suited to the Aframax tanks, with minimal modification to the ship.








The video below explains a bit about the GE LEAPprimary process.  This is typical of what can be deployed on the WaterClear PLUS Aframax tanker to treat 200 ML (peak) sewage flow.













For more information about the

WaterClear PLUS concept, please use

the contact form below:



BioGas Capture and Energy Generation


As part of the concept to use all available energy resources, being able to capture and deploy the BioGas generated in the WasteWater Treatment process makes economic sense.


BioGas capture enables energy generation using small footprint gas turbine or reciprocating engines driving an electrical generator, which helps to offset the operating cost of the plant.  A shore-power connection powers the plant under normal operating conditions.  If conditions permit, WIND turbines may be employed for energy generation as well.


The de-watered sludge is off-loaded and barged to shore for further processing into fertilizer.